Lingming Zhang
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Grainger College of Engineering
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
     2104 Siebel Center

Lingming Zhang's main research interests lie in Software Engineering and Programming Languages, as well as their synergy with Machine Learning. To date, he has published over 100 research papers, with an h-index exceeding 50. His research has helped detect 1000+ bugs/vulnerabilities for open-source projects from Apache and GitHub, as well as software systems from eBay, Google, Meta/Facebook, Microsoft, NVIDIA, OctoML, Oracle, and Yahoo!. Recently, his group has built a number of pioneering techniques on LLM-based software testing, repair, and synthesis (including TitanFuzz, AlphaRepair, ChatRepair, and Agentless), with wide adoption in industry. His group has also released a series of competitive open-source code LLMs (including StarCoder2 and Magicoder), with over 1M downloads worldwide. He is an ACM Distinguished Member, and a recipient of ACM SIGSOFT Early Career Researcher Award, NSF CAREER Award, UIUC Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research, multiple ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards, as well as research awards/grants from Alibaba, Amazon, Google, Kwai Inc, Meta/Facebook, NVIDIA, and Samsung. He currently serves as program co-chair for ASE 2025 and LLM4Code 2025.

Positions: I am looking for Fall'25 PhD students interested in PL/FM/SE and/or Machine Learning (such as LLM4Code and ML System Reliability). Please apply to Illinois CS (with faculty interest) by Dec. 15th, and/or send me an email (with your CV).

Recent Services: OOPSLA 2024 (Associate Chair), ASE 2024 (Demos Co-Chair & Area Chair), ASE 2025 (Program Co-Chair), LLM4Code 2025 (Organizer), ICSE 2025, and ICSE 2026 (Area Chair). Looking forward to your high-quality submissions!
